Acupuncture Needles & Pain Relief

To many of us it would sound a bit oxymoron, but in reality, many people find pain relief through acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture is a Chinese treatment therapy that works miracles for different diseases. According to the Chinese belief, there are energy pathways called Meridians that flow through your body. The moment there is a blockage of their path it results in health related issues. The Chinese insert needles in the areas that need to be treated which influence the energy flow through the Meridians and thus relieves your pain.

Different uses of Acupuncture:


o People usually start the Chinese acupuncture treatment so that they can get relief from pain. Recent research shows positive results for people who were treated through acupuncture for post surgery pain and chemo therapy.

Acupuncture Needles & Pain Relief

o Acupuncture is helpful in treating patients for rehabilitation for strokes as it helps the patient in relearning the skills that the person has lost due to the effect of stroke.

o Migraines and headaches can also be cured by acupuncture.

o Acupuncture is also very useful for treating patients of Osteoarthritis. In this health issue the cartilage and the tissue breaks down that cushion the joints and recent study also indicates that knee pain can be reduced by acupuncture. It also helps in curing...

o Asthma patients and tries to ease the inflammation and coughing. It also helps to reduce chest tightness.

People should always use a professional acupuncturist for the proper treatment. The needles used in the acupuncture treatment should be properly sterilized otherwise it will create many complex health issues.

It is always recommended that you should discus all the relevant details with your doctor before starting the alternate treatment as your doctor really knows what works best for you. Always discuss all the relevant details with your doctor before going for alternate treatment as the doctor knows what works best for your health.

More about the Meridians

The acupuncture points are found on the twelve meridians which are also mentioned in Chinese medical text and are the pathways through which energy and blood flows. And those points that have become stagnant should also be inserted with acupuncture needles to relief them and reduce the pain. All the twelve pathways connect vertically and symmetrically with all the twelve important body organs. The major organs of the body are connected internally and if there is a blockage in one part the other connected organs and body parts are also affected.

Thus you can say that Acupuncture is the perfect treatment method in which thin needles are inserted in specific parts of the body that need to be treated and it aids the body's pain killing chemicals and also helps to regulate blood pressure.

Acupuncture Needles & Pain Relief

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