Our body is a complete unit with so many systems like circulatory, digestive, excretory, nervous and skeleton working in coordination. Although each system has different role, they are so much connected to each other that any impairment in one system can affect the working of the other one. Among all the systems circulation system has very important role as it helps in providing all the nutrients and oxygen to the each cell of the body. This only takes the pure blood to the tissues and carries away harmful toxins and accumulated waster out of the body. If this system is disrupted due to any reason, whole body gets affected.
Acupuncture treatment provides easy and simple way to repair this system. According to its principle, body has a network of channels which carry energy all along the body in the form of chi. This energy channels are termed as meridians. Any imbalance in the chi distribution is the main reason for body illness and disorders. These imbalances can be due to physical imbalances, emotional disturbances and poor diet. With acupuncture, needles are inserted in meridian points to direct the flow of chi to the most required areas of the body. With this, blockages are removed and circulation is also increased which solves all the other problems.
Poor circulation can result in various problems ranging from cold hands and feet to hardening of arteries and hypertension. Various studies have been performed to know the role of acupuncture for circulatory problems. It has been proved that it helps in increasing the efficiency and functional capacity of heart. Studies have shown that 80% of angina patients improved themselves after acupuncture treatment. Sometimes heart undergoes abnormal heartbeats like dropped beats, irregular heart rhythm, palpitations which are also corrected by this treatment. Acupuncture is effective in releasing arterial spasms especially in collateral vessels. It is beneficial in diseases like Reynaud's disease, therapy of ulcers in venous stasis. Some herbal medicines are also used along with this to detoxify certain compounds in the body.
This method of acupuncture treatment is not considered safe as sometimes insertion of infected needles can lead to lethal diseases. And some people move away from it to avoid the pain of pointed needles. But don't worry, there is just a slight tingling sensation felt while injecting but after that you feel pleasure when needles starts working inside. And infection problem occurs due to the lack of experience of your acupuncturist. If one uses sterilized needles or one time usable needles there is no worry about the infection.
Western medical practitioners have made certain modification in this acupuncture technique. Although the principle lays the same of the meridian system but they do not use needles to activate points. Several methods like electric impulses, heat, magnetic radiations, and laser beam are used specifically on the part to be treated.
You can also consult about this treatment while surfing on internet. There is a no. of health clinics which provide their services online. You can tell them about your problems and they will suggest you suitable acupuncture treatment according to your body symptoms. After that you can also find acupuncturists near by your areas so that it is easy for you to understand everything. Give this technique a chance to cure you and you will see how beneficial it is without any side effects and being so natural and healthy.
Acupuncture Treatment - Acupuncture for Circulation Problems
George Jhon is an Author for Backonyourfeet, An Acupuncture Sydney clinic where our highly skilled experts may guide you about Fundamentals of Acupuncture Treatment to Improve Your Life. For more information, visit http://www.backonyourfeet.com.au